Let’s talk Website SEO Strategy in beautiful Fort Lauderdale!
I attended and presented for a group of distributors for the company S-5! Attachment Solutions, based out of Colorado Springs, CO. There, we discussed content, keywords, and website SEO strategy. I had a full house of fantastic human beings who are either business owners, engineers, architects, installers, and contractors. We dove into the nitty-gritty in managing their business websites to enhance their presence.

Fort Lauderdale beach morning sunrise in Florida USA palm trees via Adobe Stock.
Let’s get to work with SEO
In my talk with this group, I went over the importance of Website SEO Strategy, how to research the keywords in their industry, and then implementing their website strategy through their websites, resulting in better search results. We also reviewed some tips for writing content for their audiences and industry. I showcased tools like WordPress and Yoast to help them along, easing the day-to-day for those smaller businesses who don’t have the bandwidth to do anything more than what a clean and easy to use CMS can offer. Some of us focus on this as our day-to-day, and we find ourselves helping out many of our clients through this. My goal was to provide some guidance to the room on how to implement this think-path into their web presence to give them a boost in their user experiences and at the end-of-the-day, their sales.
It’s been a pleasure meeting these fine folks who build a vast network and community in the metal construction industry. I’m will enjoyed talking with them through the follow-up days, learning about their businesses and how S-5! can be that much more supportive to their distributors. A lot of client research for me to support what I do for this company.
Branding an event
Before we could even get to the conference, D564 also had the privilege of designing the look and feel for the conference. Taking on each element from the event program, to name tags for speakers and guests, table top displays, and decals for the entry way. This is much less stressful than speaking, but I enjoyed every minute of the experience.
Big ups and thanks to WordPress for the supportive swag (sunglasses, popsockets, stickers) to include with my presentation! You’ll be happy to know that many of the businesses in the room use WP.
If you need support and help with your strategy, reach out! I’d love to chat.