December 21, 2020 Lori P. O'Hara

Our Favorite Books in 2020

Did any of you read anything this year that stood out?
As we were all flipped on our heads with a pandemic, it turned into a year of grounding and intentional focus in the literature department. While I have a collection of industry (design and business) related reads that I could share, I really dove into different pockets of thought this year. Below are a few picks that were deep and solid reads for 2020.


  In the spirit of a doozy of a 2020, and while this one was already on the shelf, we pulled it for some grounding this year. Sometimes books have a time and a place—this one felt especially grounding this year.


I read this over a weekend—a quick, entertaining story. Smith captured her own transformative year and told her story in a way that had me so wrapped up in her journey. A story holding her history and look into the past, wanderings, and optimism—a satisfying book.


Historical, deep, and relevant, Wilkerson captures our nation’s history surrounding racism, a caste systems, and these “old bones” of this old house; America. This book will hit you in the feels and provide you a different or completely new perspective in history that you may have been taught otherwise. Solid. I recommend this on audio, but is worth having a printed copy on the shelf.


Complimentary to the first book listed, The Daily Stoic is a great day-to-day to start your day with a cup of coffee or tea, to meditate on, or however it fits in your daily routine.

Contemplating on the choices for 2021, but I already have a stack of unfinished reads that I think I’ll put on my radar to start. What are your favorites from 2020? Is there already something on your radar for the New Year? Give us a shout and share what is keeping you feeding that brain of yours.