December 29, 2015 Lori P. O'Hara

Do Work: El Dorado Volunteer Fire Department

Teamed up with my husband Tim, utilizing his expertise in signage and my assistance to him, along with project management, we came together to reallocate and freshen up many of the fire trucks and rescue vehicles in El Dorado, New Mexico.

I don’t work in this area often. Of course, not afraid of new turf, it was fun to switch things up a little bit and do something that is more hands-on. It’s quite an extensive process that begins with laying out the type in illustrator, cutting the vinyl, weeding vinyl, and because we did this in layers – overlaying the decals, finally prepping them for install. Once we arrived at the station we began removal of old decals with a heat gun and spray chemical to remove any adhesive. With many variations of decals previously installed, some were tougher than others to remove. Once we got the first truck stripped down, I continued on with the removal process of old decals on the remaining trucks, while Tim worked on installing the new decals.

A few snapshots at work:

Working for over 10hrs on these, we ended up snowed in and stuck up north due to the blizzard of the year. Which made for a nice, short stay with my brother who holds this beautiful view from his backyard.

This was a great opportunity for Tim and I to come together on a project and make the most out of this collaboration.