Business, Design, logo 12 Jul 2018 Recently Released: Anahata | Logo Design D564 and Anahata Massage Therapy and Wellness are excited to release the new name and look for this Colorado Springs… Lori P. O'Hara
#bettertogether, Community, Design, non-profit, NoSpec, volunteer work 21 May 2018 Value of Design & Non-Profits Recently a peer of mine reached out seeking some advice. This individual works with a non-profit that doesn't have much… Lori P. O'Hara
art, Business, Community, Design, Open Studio 29 Dec 2017 Open Studio: January Edition Join us on January 5, 2018 for our Open Studio at the Cottonwood Center for the Arts in Studio 239.… Lori P. O'Hara
#bettertogether, AIGA, art, Community, Design 17 Dec 2017 Ornament Auction and Holiday Party 'Tis the season for cheer and festivities, and Ornament Auctions! I had the bug to want to organize an event… Lori P. O'Hara
Business, Design, design break 19 Aug 2017 Flashback Friday! It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? Henry… Lori P. O'Hara
Business, Design 09 Aug 2017 Design Business: Do the work you love. In design business, when you love the work that you do, it doesn't feel like work. Can we really do… Lori P. O'Hara
Business, Community, Design, Open Studio 03 Jul 2017 Open Studio | July Edition You're Invited! You're invited to join us at Design5sixty4's Open Studio! Hosted on Friday, July 7, 2017. In the spirit… Lori P. O'Hara
Business, Design, Grief 26 Jun 2017 Independent Diaries: Grief and Business Life happens. And so it happened for me and threw me into a whirlwind of grief and sadness. I lost… Lori P. O'Hara
App Design, Design 24 May 2017 Give Your App User Control As a designer working with websites and mobile apps I have the opportunity to focus on very different mediums in… Lori P. O'Hara
Business, Community, Design 07 Mar 2017 D564 has a new studio! We moved! It's been a busy couple of months, friends! In between deadlines, there have been some significant changes on… Lori P. O'Hara