We’re still here!

Through the collective time-warp that has been 2020 and 2021 thus far, it’s been a bit consuming on many fronts. There is quite a bit to update on the D564 front and in a nutshell, we’ve been staying busy with our collaborators and client projects. Holding a lot of space for gratitude, as always, for all of it. Stay tuned for some portfolio updates and some series of content to come along the way as we are rolling into the autumn and winter seasons.


We hope you are all doing well out there! Take care of yourselves and each other. Keep pedalin’ on!

Reflections on this year and rolling into 2021

We’re all saying it—What a year 2020 has been. And as we close out the year and look toward a new year—a fresh start—colliding feelings can emerge.


Do I even bother making plans, setting goals, setting new intentions? Why?


YES! Because, look, I get it… 2020 threw us into unknown territory that we all had to pivot and adapt together. And I don’t know about you, but I feel like we all did a great job together, and I am speaking to those with whom I’ve worked and collaborated with who I have that first-hand experience. We fought through it. We didn’t sit back to wait and see; instead, we charged forward, even on the toughest of days. This was a year of resilience.


In collaboration with DalyConsulting Linley and I have had some great conversations working together, and we wanted to share some tips to support our goals and intentions in the new year.


Looking at 2021, we have learned enough from 2020 to make smart decisions. We know how we can work with the climate to support each other, our communities, friends, and family, now that we have some idea of the cards dealt.


How do we make plans when planning is so challenging right now?

Set your goals and intentions, your game-plan for 2021

Please do it. Make a plan. Having a plan gives you a guideline to work from that puts you on a track for success towards whatever size goal you have in mind. Keep in mind that you can make changes along the way, but to have a foundation to work from is already giving you grounds to stand on. For more on setting intentions, check out Linley’s blog.


Maintain flexibility.

The game has changed for us—“the field is different” as one business owner shared with me in a recent conversation. Know that things may change at any moment. Have a backup plan and a strategy to work from different angles.


Try gratitude.

Gratitude grounds us, especially when we feel like so much has been taken away or has been challenging in 2020. We’ve learned to do without a lot of our favorite things. We miss hanging with friends, dining in restaurants comfortably, being at full capacity for restaurant owners, organized events, live music(!), etc.  And we have indeed lost a great deal. Let us not ignore the grief in that loss. Name it, acknowledge it, feel it. And when you have the moment to breathe, maybe offer some gratitude for that which you have.


We’ve learned how to adapt to new technologies that were not all that new but became staples in our lives. So many of you/us have reinvented in new ways from this year’s experience. Perhaps you’ve rediscovered an old hobby, renewed a friendship, or validated that you really like the folks you’ve been living with for the past 9-months.


Try this:

Reflect on the year and pull out 3-5 things of which you hold gratitude. Now, do the same each day. Don’t wait for 2021 to start—track your daily gratitude.

Tip: Put up a small dry erase board and write down your gratitude daily. My husband and I do this together. If you are more private, write it down in a journal.


Be well.

Wellness and happiness are tied together and can form a tighter bond when we take care of ourselves.


  • Physical activity: We noticed this summer that there was a lot more activity with people of all ages walking, hiking, running, and cycling. Compared to the year before, and as a cyclist, the extra crowds were new navigation that had me yelling “on your left!” as I passed foot traffickers. I loved seeing the boosted activity, but we know it was because people just needed to be out of their houses during the lockdown. You do too! We all do! Take a walk, burn off steam from some good cardio—your body will thank you.
  • Mental activity: This can come in various forms, but one tool that has been helpful for me, even pre-pandemic, is meditation. Insight Timer is a great app! The freemium version has so much to offer.

Personal bonus that I enjoy—You can also pick from meditations in so many different languages. If you’re studying 1 or 2 new languages, this is a nice treat to expand your listening skills.

  • Read a good book. Get out of the news and social media! We’ve shared a few books of our favorite reads for 2020 that you may enjoy. Take a look!
  • Speaking of social media and the news, take a break! It will give you space to breathe and invest in that new hobby you picked up this year.


2020 taught us a lot. And while there’s still some ambiguity ahead, we can move forward with what we know about the pandemic, how to support each other, and how to navigate a challenging time. And remember to be gentle with yourself and each other. In relation to the pandemic, as we are not out of the weeds yet; we do encourage you to take these three requirements into 2021:

  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands
  • Create distance

Cheers to 2021, Friends.


This piece was written in collaboration by:

As a professional fundraiser and consultant, Linley Daly has helped nonprofits raise millions of dollars, grow emerging leaders, and create greater community impact. Daly Consulting focuses on strategic planning to genius leadership coaching to organizational transformations, through the unique blend of coach-consulting guides people and the agencies they lead toward optimal productivity and collective purpose.

Connect with Linley

Lori Patton O'Hara, Design5sixty4
Lori Patton O’Hara, owner and graphic designer of Design5sixty4 is driven and focused on your design and marketing needs. D564 is committed to good business and functional design. Focused on graphic design, encompassing print, web design, and building stronger brands, Lori strives for and works hard to satisfy the goals and business needs of her clients.

Schedule a Consultation

Our Favorite Books in 2020

Did any of you read anything this year that stood out?
As we were all flipped on our heads with a pandemic, it turned into a year of grounding and intentional focus in the literature department. While I have a collection of industry (design and business) related reads that I could share, I really dove into different pockets of thought this year. Below are a few picks that were deep and solid reads for 2020.


  In the spirit of a doozy of a 2020, and while this one was already on the shelf, we pulled it for some grounding this year. Sometimes books have a time and a place—this one felt especially grounding this year.


I read this over a weekend—a quick, entertaining story. Smith captured her own transformative year and told her story in a way that had me so wrapped up in her journey. A story holding her history and look into the past, wanderings, and optimism—a satisfying book.


Historical, deep, and relevant, Wilkerson captures our nation’s history surrounding racism, a caste systems, and these “old bones” of this old house; America. This book will hit you in the feels and provide you a different or completely new perspective in history that you may have been taught otherwise. Solid. I recommend this on audio, but is worth having a printed copy on the shelf.


Complimentary to the first book listed, The Daily Stoic is a great day-to-day to start your day with a cup of coffee or tea, to meditate on, or however it fits in your daily routine.

Contemplating on the choices for 2021, but I already have a stack of unfinished reads that I think I’ll put on my radar to start. What are your favorites from 2020? Is there already something on your radar for the New Year? Give us a shout and share what is keeping you feeding that brain of yours.

The Spin: Gratitude and Making Space

As we are looking at the end of the year approaching us—a pandemic year, a year of civil and political discourse, a year of worry and ambiguous stress, I have found myself in the midst of it all, holding extra space for gratitude. Of course, this is fitting for the holiday season, while not feeling particularly holiday-focused around these parts; this year.

What are we feeling extra grateful for these days? Let me count the ways!

  1. The amazing projects that Design5sixty4 is/was chosen for in the way of design and strategic work. We have worked and are working on some solid work that all leans into the greater good. Whether we are supporting clients who fight for women’s rights, or environmental advocacy in indirect and direct ways, we are also supporting small, medium, and large businesses to grow and develop, and enriching their approach to their work and offerings.
  2. AIGA, the professional association for design. I have served on the Chapter Advisory Council for approximately 3 yrs. And recently completed my term as Chapter Advisory Council Chair. While bittersweet to part ways with the role, it is a role that I am so grateful to have been a part of. Not only has the role served me in many ways, leadership growth and growth in connection to the creative community nationwide, but it has allowed me to serve this brilliant community and be a supportive voice to peers from the east to west, midwest to the south.
  3. Friends. As we all have been going through it in some form, friendships felt stronger this year as we made it a point to reach out and check in on each other.
  4. Family. This one not only covers the actual relatives to whom we are always grateful; add to the stack the design and music pockets of the world who showed up and showed me what family means outside of blood relatives. Particularly when a personal crisis popped off late in the year and support came in ways that I’d not expected and just like that, the family grows.
  5. Bike rides. In the way of fitness and clearing the headspace for creative space, bike rides whether commuting to the studio or fitness-focused effort is my jam! Running, too.
  6. Deep conversations. An interesting thing that has happened this year—deeper human connections and conversations. As we’ve been thrown into Zoom conversations and into each other’s personal space in some ways, we’ve gotten to see the realness in each other. Maybe it’s the dog’s barking in the background, the kiddos popping in on Mom or Dad’s call, or the interior decorating of these newfound work-from-home spaces to name a few. In my own experience, whether friends or working relationships, many of us have had deeper conversations and connected differently this year. I am feeling especially grateful for this, and during a pandemic year, I feel this is where many found solace and support while navigating a challenging time. We’ve made space for grace, for patience, for each other.

As the new year is drawing near, while so much won’t be out of the way—I’m looking at you, COVID—what will be out of the way is being thrown into the unknown. We are in a “new normal” and the good news, while still ambiguous, we can plan and structure our work and lives around what we have learned this year. We can keep on keeping on! And I look forward to the movement in that direction.

The only way out is through.
—Robert Frost

Keep moving. Keep pedaling. Let’s Ride.

Gear Check!

How are you doing out there? If we’re being real…

These are crazy times!

And that’s putting it lightly. But seriously, how are you? Are your gears slippin’?! Let’s check-in.

As a professional, sometimes it’s hard to share the deep level thoughts and feelings when we just want to have our game-face on. But as we are navigating some new territory, I think now more than ever is a great time to simply be human. I’m taking this opportunity to do that. Now, I work with many in different states, and I’m trying to keep up with everything going on in each of your zones, as well as my own. Here in Colorado, pandemic speaking, are in waves of spikes, new mandates, potential shutdowns, and so on. This is an everchanging conditional life we live and it certainly is a lot to keep up with… different landscapes daily.

I have equally been in so many different conversations with peers, friends, and clients who are sharing their own journeys and have been incredibly grateful to hear the different, yet so much the same level of experiences. As we are all working through these variances of feelings, and often times similar feelings, I want to share a couple of pro-tips that are keeping me grounded. And believe me, I’ve had my ungrounded moments and from what I can tell, I’m not alone in this.

On mandates:
We are all about masks in our spaces. If you’re local to Colorado and want to visit the studio, please mask-up. I personally know people who are directly dealing with COVID, and like any flu or cold season, we wish everyone well and in good health! If you are feeling ill, be mindful of those around you and keep your germs to yourselves.

On wellness:
Meditate, run, ride a bike, go for a hike! Go camping! Our mental and physical health levels are taking hits and we need to stay healthy! Follow me on Strava if you want to exercise together!

On gratitude:
Find time to be grateful. These are tough times, and moments of appreciation for what’s in front of us can carry us a long way.

On respect:
Treat each other with respect! Everyone is pretty tense right now and we can all show a little more love and respect these days.

Stay in touch:
With family, friends, clients, your designers, your therapist, whoever is in your network or outreach effort; reach out. Reach out if you’re feeling bogged down and need a little time to process. I know I practice this and have been in communication with those practicing the same. It helps us feel a little less overwhelmed with everything that is happening right now.

I learned most of this when I lost my Dad a few years ago — and you know what, while it’s tough to be vulnerable sometimes, my clients were incredibly supportive and understanding. It helped me navigate grief—and I encourage it here through a pandemic. And with so many articles going on around how this pandemic feels similar to grief for many, it has resonated with me especially in the earlier months. Therefore, I cannot encourage some vulnerability enough from time to time.

Remember, we are all doing the best we can in these times. I am forever grateful for those who I am working with and charging through with, both personally and professionally, leaning into gratitude here.

I wish you all wellness through all of this. Don’t take your foot off the gas, or the pedals in D564 speak. Whether it’s charging through the pandemic or fighting for rights, or a mix of everything—we are here for you! We will be stronger on the other side of it all! Don’t let your shifting gears get sticky or skip, friends! Stay tuned up!


Pulse Check!

What a time, friends. We are all experiencing various forms of concern and worry. Rightfully so.

The more I run into business owners or hop on a call with a client, and even ourselves in business, we hear more and more concern around income as our economy is taking a hit. To be expected as we navigate a pandemic that is slowing us all down and forcing us into isolated bubbles. There are a million articles out there about how to work from home successfully. Our business functions primarily off of remote status, so we are pretty comfortable with this demand. That being said, we are more than happy to share some of our pro-tips, should you need some guidance.

What I do want to talk about is what you can do in the meantime to keep your projects or business moving forward.

First… keep pedaling!

The rest will follow.

Reimagine. Reinvent. Redefine.

We are in a time of question and forced isolation, revealing an opportunity to reimagine some efforts. Often, we start to get complacent with how things are operating. Then we start falling into a routine. Maybe tasks and operations start feeling drabbish and not as exciting as they once were? Perhaps we need a new approach. Being in self-isolation or for some of us as of today are in mandatory quarantine, this is turning out to be a great time to [pause] and reimagine our approaches.

Evaluate current approaches and reinvent the way we do things. You can spend some energy on how you want to market your products or services moving forward and reinvent your approach. Given our current times and dependency on digital platforms for working remotely, maybe coming up with a social media campaign is in order. Come up with new ways to communicate with your audience.

This is also a great time to focus on some business goals. Maybe some that have been pushed to the side, or setting new goals. Collectively, we might be thinking of new ways to rebuild after this epidemic. But in the meantime, DON’T STOP MOVING! If you’re slowing down, this is a great time to redefine your work and your approach.

What is D564 doing, you wonder?

We still have work to do. So we are focused on our client needs as well as our own during this turbulent time. Yes, we are concerned about the impacts on the other side of COVID-19, but we are staying focused on what needs to be completed in the meantime and focused on some future planning.

Oddly enough, I’ve found this a motivating time to start writing again. I think it’s the nurturer in me that wants to address the reality of it all and find supportive ideas to share to keep us all “out of our heads.” I also want to encourage continued forward movement, because there is an end to this virus at some point. So, however, we can stay productive and relevant in our work the better off we will be on the other side of this. I believe that!

What are you doing during these rapidly changing times? What projects are you focused on during COVID-19 slowdowns or shutdowns?


Let me know what you need to get through this time, even if it’s just a supportive ear. Your business has to keep pushing forward. Collectively, our resources might feel slim-pickings right now in crisis, but we at D564 are understanding and supportive.

We can help with:
Logo Design
Creative Strategy and Communications Plan on digital platforms
Website Design

Stay healthy and safe out there!

Let’s Ride.


COVID-19 and Business

It is indeed a turbulent time for all of us, as we are all shifting gears and watching shut-downs and taking our precautions to maintain optimum health. The impacts of this can affect us all in business for months to come. Hopefully, we can limit how much we are all impacted. For the sake of our communities and local businesses, we want to share a few ways that you can still stay involved in supporting our local economies.


Many restaurants are offering and encouraging patrons to come through and are stepping up in offering pick-up orders. Check-in with your favorite go-to’s and see how you can continue to support these businesses.


Similar to Design5sixty4’s current setup, many tech, design/creative services, and print services can be done over the phone, email, zoom meetings, and remote/work from home. Keep your projects moving where you can.


You can also purchase gift cards at just about any establishment that you can use when all of this blows over. Online shopping is available for just about everything, even in your local community. Some of those face-time dependent businesses on the fringes that could benefit the most from gift card purchases that come to mind are massage therapists, photographers, artists, gyms and wellness studios (yoga, pilates, etc.). There’s plenty to list beyond these few, but you get the idea, we hope.




There are a lot of folks behind the check-out counters working hard to maintain clean spaces and get you out the door with your products—Thank them.

While we’re thanking people, be sure to thank your service members who are on the front-lines — medics especially. From what we can see, it’s an incredibly difficult time for them right now.

Don’t be a hoarder. Get what you need and make sure you’re leaving some items on the shelves for those who may be in dire need of things like medicines.

Do your due diligence before venturing out—if you are not feeling well, stay home. Follow the CDC and your state recommendations in self-care and social distancing.


design5sixty4, let's ride

As mentioned in a previous update, Design5sixty4 and our sister company VIVI Printing will be doing business during these times. We want to encourage our current clients and potential incoming to continue being active in our conversations and projects.

COVID-19 Cycles Through

Hello, Friends!

Well, this is quite a time we’re experiencing, yes? We are watching closely. And as COVID-19 (coronavirus) is rapidly changing, we are thinking about ways to protect ourselves and each other. I won’t go into hygiene practices. I trust that you are all active on that front, but also you can refer to the CDC for some best practices. What I will go ahead and share, though, is what we are doing to make sure our clients are still taken care of as we navigate this rapidly changing situation.

The CDC has shared that one of the most effective measures for minimizing the spread of COVID-19 is social distancing, and we are on board. It is our ethical duty to protect our clients and ourselves from risk, and each other as a whole. We will be continuing the work that needs to be done, so nothing stops here on that front; however we will be limiting our face-time meetings.

While I love seeing your wonderful faces, there are a few things to consider if we meet or you meet with others:

  1. If you feel sick, please reschedule. We are all human and completely understand and respect a cautious effort.
  2. Zoom, Google Meetup, and just about any virtual tool are all great options for conferencing! We’ll be using these tools often.
  3. Be kind.

Now, let’s get back to it!


Let’s Ride.

design5sixty4, let's ride


2020—Coming in HOT!

We rolled right into 2020 with full schedules and deadlines to meet. A few new updates to share:

Updating the portfolio: We don’t have the full stack in there quite yet, but we added a few new pieces for ya to look at. From logos to web and apps, to print design, we’re covering various mediums that support business goals.

Our Sister-Company: Formerly known as Olympic City Printing, VIVI Print is in full swing and we are taking orders for your printing needs—whatever they are, we can help your project from start to finish. Screen printing, dye sublimation, vinyl decals, large format printing… we got you covered.

Feeling flat on your creative strategy? Let’s air up those tires! Let’s Ride!